With this product, the end results seem incorrect and that's before considering the fiasco of a filter that doesn't work with mainstream displays. Most of us though should be able to get an outstanding picture without one. If you must go down the calibration route, I recommend getting a professional to do it. Spears & Munsil claim that it is your display that doesn't work with their product but a Panasonic Plasma is a mainstream product it strikes me as odd that it would not work with it. This means that the colour and tint will always be wrong. all black) yet no matter what you do, black bars are always prevalent. What you should see are no bars on the left-hand side of the colour test (i.e. Worst of all, the blue filter specs that come with the disc do not work at all. To begin with, you need to spend a significant amount of time figuring out what exactly to do and the results are strange to say the least (Sharpness = 79?). SPEARS & MUNSIL HIGH DEFINITION BENCHMARK VIDEO CALIBRATION BLU- RAY DISC 2. Disney Does Calibration: World of Wonder Blu-ray vs. Will we replace the Spears & Munsil High Definition Benchmark Blu-ray Blu-ray with. Spears and Munsil High Definition Benchmark Test Disc (Blu-ray Edition). There were however a few moments on certain blu-ray discs on my settings where the colour looked incorrect (eg murky skin-tones, inappropriate olive tints at times) and I felt a calibration would remedy this. Spears & Munsil HD Benchmark Disc 2nd Edition. I foolishly bought it to try and 'improve' what was already a very fine picture on my Panasonic Plasma that I obtained myself using the Cinema mode as a template.